St David's Day

Publié le par Diana

St David's Day

Are you curious about what this day can be? Let's discover it in this article!


If you visit Wales on the 1st of March you will see a lot of red in the street, Welsh people in national dress and daffodils used as accessories. Maybe you will hear Welsh folk songs but if you don't, you will certainly see a parade and you will be present during a joyous air of celebration.

It's all in honour of Saint David – even if not much is known about the patron saint himself.


Saint David's Day is the feast day of Saint David but WHO WAS SAINT DAVID?

St David's Day

Saint David is usually represented with a dove on his side and a cross in his hand.

He is the patron saint of Wales. Saint David was a Celtic monk and bishop that lived in the 6th century.

During his life time he helped to spread the word of Christianity and he founded 12 monasteries including Glastonbury. According to legend, David performed several miracles during his life including restoring Paulinus' sight. The ruins of Glastonbury Abbey, the oldest church in England stands today


Saint David is celebrated by the Welsh on the 1st of March because it was the day of his death.


How is it commemorated?

The national symbols of Wales are daffodils and leeks so on this day many Welsh people wear daffodils and leeks.


St David's Day

They wear daffodils and leeks in remembrance of Saint David's guidance because during the battle against the Saxons, Saint David advised Welsh warriors to wear leeks so enemies and allies could be distinguished because they were dressed in the same way.

There are parades and people enjoy traditional Welsh dances, Welsh folk songs and they recite Welsh poems.


Some children wear the Welsh national dress which consists of a tall black hat and a long dress in red and white.

And of course on this day the flag of Saint David plays a central role in the celebrations and can be seen flying throughout Wales.

St David's Day

Welsh people also make Welsh cakes. And for information the world record for the largest Welsh cake ever made was set on St David's Day in 2014. The cake was cut into more than 200 pieces and sold for charity.

St David's Day

Publié dans Special Days

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